Several months ago the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) agreed to take an absolutely ridiculous case which suggested that, despite the overwhelming obvious intent in the 1000 page law, 4 words should be taken out of context and assumed to conveniently mean exactly what Conservatives want it to mean, even though they didn't write it and even though the people who did have testified quite clearly what the intent was. But they're Conservatives! If anyone has the appalling audacity tell you what you think, Conservatives are your Huckleberry. Never mind the clear intent, never mind the direct explanation of the lawmakers as to the intent. We're the asshole branch of the Supreme Court, and we'll tell you what you meant, now sit down and shut up.
Ever since SCOTUS agreed to take the case legal scholars have weighed in, the overwhelming majority claiming that even taking the case seemed ridiculous, and making it clear that in their opinion a ruling against the Affordable Care Act in this case would be absolutely shameful. In fact... now that I think about it, I am quite certain I did not hear even one legal scholar say otherwise. This doesn't mean that Fox News didn't surely dig one or two up, I'm just saying I have followed the case closely and read a lot of opinions about it, and none of the experts thought the plaintiffs should prevail here.
But that's not what I want to talk about tonight. I don't want to relish the win (I already did), I don't want to speculate why Roberts voted the way he did (but I will anyway: because he's not a dick, how's that for a theory?) and I'm not here to boast and brag or overstate the "6" in the 6-3 ruling. No, I'm here to talk about the 3. The 3 Neocons who make up a full third of this court. The 3. The arrogant. The biased. The 3. Scalithomas, 3 corrupt jerks who are as consistently conservative as Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. In other words, conservatism comes first and everything else is irrelevant. Logic, fact, simple decency or common sense... irrelevant. Pride for the court and their place on that court... irrelevant. The respect of their peers, or some asshole with a blog.... irrelevant.
In this lawsuit, that means: "we hate Obama, we hate Obamacare, we don't care that this lawsuit is horseshit, we're going to side with the plaintiffs.... because we can". They're basically untouchable - and as such, they can do just about whatever they want and you can't do a damn thing about it. So blow that pubic hair off your coke and drink up while 3 of the justices on what is supposed to be the highest and most respected court in the land extend their middle fingers to the President, the lawmakers who created the ACA, and most importantly, the millions of people who would have lost their health insurance over 4 words that these 3 pretended meant something other than what they and everyone else knew the words actually meant.
Never mind Scalia contradicted his OWN words from the ACA lawsuit 3 years ago* when he clearly understood what the intent of Congress was and how the subsidies were meant to work, never mind the obvious doubt regarding the Plaintiff's "standing" - or that Scalia ignored the doubt about "standing" here even when in the past it's been extremely important to him (or so he pretended... at the time.... when it was convenient to do so).
*in the 2012 ruling, Scalia said: "Without the federal subsidies . . . the exchanges would not operate as Congress intended and may not operate at all."
They're the Supremes and they can do whatever the hell they want, even if it means ignoring their own statements from just a few years ago. They (Scalia, Alito and the mute) are not judges: they are not unbiased, impartial or even the slightest bit fair. They are, ironically, the very definition of the Activist Judge that the GOP whines about anytime they lose a case (which is quote often). And these 3 are Activist Judges on the highest court of the land.
1/3 of our Supreme Court is corrupt - I am incredibly disgusted and worried by that. And you should be too.
Don't forget who nominates judges to the Supreme Court. The 2016 election is extremely important.
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