Sunday, October 4, 2015

400 Days Out....

Updating my 2016 Presidential Election prediction today,  you will note the only changes from 100 days ago are:  I took Arizona and Florida away from (Hillary) and I added Ohio to the Democrat total.  Arizona was just me screwing around,  I have no reason to believe that yet; at least not until I start seeing some polling there - which likely won't be until next year.   Florida polls look more favorable to the GOP lately,  and Ohio doesn't look bad for Democrats so I swapped those two.  Other than that not a lot of changes.

Meanwhile in the past 100 days we've seen the insane jackass Trump get a UUGE lead over all the other "LOSERS" and now that lead is pretty much gone,  as the quiet spoken but equally jackass Ben Carson (Token Black!)  now is basically tied with Trump.   You remember Carson right?  He's the one that thinks jails are homosexual factories,  you go in straight but you come out gay.   Oh,  and he's a doctor.   A doctor... who doesn't know how homosexuals are made.   I bet your average person with down's syndrome knows how homosexuals are made,  and if I had Michelle Bachmann's email address,  I'd ask her.

As for the actual candidates,  I'm not going to make any real predictions this time around - it's all just too crazy.  Still probably Hillary though Bernie definitely has some momentum,  and if he can convince Democrats he can win it all,  he could actually win the nomination.  On the GOP side,  I don't care,  they're almost all evil fucking assholes with no redeeming values and I hate them all.  Ok I might not hate John Kasich, and his chance of getting the nomination is about the same as Bush's chance of telling America his brother "kept America safe"  and not be called out for that pile of bullshit.   Maybe Bush thinks the English language works the same as everything else with Republicans and you can just have an opinion about what words mean,  and "kept America safe" actually to him means "ignored dire warnings of imminent terrorist attack,  went on vacation,  and then read a children's book while the biggest terror attack in the history of the country was taking place".

Ok enough about the GOP field of dicks.  Here is my prediction 400 days out:

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