Thursday, August 11, 2016

100 Days Out: Hillary in a Landslide (sound familiar?)

I'm going to make this short and sweet (and yes,  I'm a few days late) - the conventions are over,  and so is Trump's campaign.   Hillary will win in a landslide and the only question right now is how big of a landslide.   325?   350?  400?   Oh and for posterity,  this past week here are some of the lowlights:

  • Obama is the founder of ISIS
  • A crazy man climbed the outside of Trump Tower (well why shouldn't he?  a crazy man climbs the inside every day)
  • Trump suggested the NRA folks could stop Hillary,  then he later lied and pretended he meant something else.   (but,  I thought he always says what he means and means what he says?)
  • Trump is being sued for being a pedophile sexual pervert.  
  • A Washington Post story outlined a 2007 deposition in which Trump was repeatedly forced to admit he'd publicly lied about... well, just about everything.  

Here now,  my prediction,  (approx.) 100 days out.  Oh wait,  one more thing.  I have,  for the first time,  not just predicted the state outcomes,  but the margin of victory as well.  All polls point to Virginia now being a BLUE state (woohoo!) and my dark shading reflects that.  Also,  I view Florida as slightly more likely to go for Hillary than Ohio,  which is slightly more likely than NC.  Ok , here now for real this time,  is my prediction: